Can’t upload images in WordPress suddenly
Can’t upload images in WordPress suddenly

We’re using WP Media Folder. Suddenly we were seeing this message: But the images were small in both size and dimensions. It wasn’t that. When we checked the Chrome dev tools console we saw this message: Which started a minor scrabble to review our CORS settings on the bucket but then I had another thought:... » read more

Some NuGet packages were installed using a different target framework and may need to be reinstalled
Some NuGet packages were installed using a different target framework and may need to be reinstalled

Updating a .NET website from 4.6 to 4.8 and after updating all the packages in Visual Studio’s package NuGet Package manager, I got the following warning that wouldn’t go away: Following that link it suggested updating your packages would fix it, which it didn’t for me. So then I tried re-installing each package in... » read more

ASP.NET Core Web Forms App: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields

After creating a new Razor web forms app I scaffolded in an existing database: Scaffold-DbContext "Server=<server>;Database=<db-name>;User ID=<username>;Password=<password>;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models And kept getting an error on the newly created entries: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields After ensuring I had added Entity Framework to the project using NuGet, I still got the... » read more