Inline are-you-sure javascript popup confirmation snippet
I always forget how to do this simply: This pops up a confirmation dialog before following the link. This is useful for critical links that, for example, delete an item.
I always forget how to do this simply: This pops up a confirmation dialog before following the link. This is useful for critical links that, for example, delete an item.
Out of the blue we got this error during a build: Our workflow yaml file was very old and had been generated by Azure a long time ago for our web app. How to fix it? As well as this upload-artifact being out of date there’s more we should do at the same time: actions/checkout@v2:... » read more
This is Windows 11, XAMPP 3.30. Just look at it: I started getting this error when I tried to start MySQL in XAMPP recently and I have no idea why. The curious thing is that simply deleting the last log file in the MySQL/data folder fixes the issue: Do a browse on MySQL logs: Then... » read more
We’re using WP Media Folder. Suddenly we were seeing this message: But the images were small in both size and dimensions. It wasn’t that. When we checked the Chrome dev tools console we saw this message: Which started a minor scrabble to review our CORS settings on the bucket but then I had another thought:... » read more
I don’t know why but this took a lot longer than it should. GitHub GoPilot kept giving me code that didn’t work and then getting stuck in a loop when I tried to make it work. Code I found online simply didn’t work either. So what’s the big deal? I think I just misunderstood how... » read more
I found some missing GA4 traffic. A long time ago we switched to GA4 from UA and immediately noticed a drop in traffic but everything was so wildly different and we were told that you couldn’t directly compare the two stats (probably because UA was so wildly inaccurate). One thing we missed was our AMP... » read more
Good question! Try instead using ‘save_post’. I was finding that this code: Was not saving the value to the database, when I checked, the field was empty, despite $html having content when the code fired. This code was inside an update_post action: When I updated it to: The value got correctly written. Note that ACF’s... » read more
Specifically in Windows on the command line. Everything from params are wrong to simply failing the auth. Here’s what worked for me: Click the little settings cog where the curl is generated in Postman: Now turn off multiline, turn off user long form and change quotes to double, like this: Now your curl will update,... » read more
We wanted to stop this leaking all our posts but also allow it for certain purposes with a username and password. Some solutions are very heavy-handed and can cause issues with plugins etc if you simply disable it all! With this method you can just lock down certain endpoints that you are worried about. This... » read more